Filing Strategies for Couples–The Importance of Synchronization

ThankAdvisor contributors Joe Elsasser and Ron Piccinini tackle one of the more complex and dynamic subjects in Social Security…the importance (criticality, really) of appropriately optimizing the timing of both spouses in applying for benefits. With the evaporation of “file and suspend” strategies and the limitations on the “restricted application” strategy, it becomes more and more essential that couples pay attention to the timing of their individual filing dates. As Piccinini points out, “A properly optimized Social Security timing strategy can add hundreds of thousands of dollars to the bottom line for a married couple.” Read their post here…
If, after reading the referenced article, you still have questions around when to file, feel free to contact the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory staff for further discussion. Our certified Advisors can help you navigate this complex area. Learn more about this free-to-the-public service via the Foundation’s website.