Q & A

How do you report possible Social Security Fraud?

Full QuestionSomeone I know receives Social Security disability and is working part-time. How can this be looked at without me providing my name? 

AnswerSocial Security takes potential fraud very seriously. I will write about that in a moment but first will say a few words about this question of working and disability benefits. 

It is a wrong, but popular, assumption that people receiving disability benefits cannot have a job. 

In addition to non-medical requirements, Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability have a strict, work based, definition of disability and relatively few people found eligible eventually return to work at levels high enough to end benefits. Despite this, people receiving disability related benefits are encouraged by the Social Security Administration to return to work and many do on a limited basis. If you receive disability benefits and start to work, contact Social Security to report the work and learn the specific details you need to know. 

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Source: Social Security Administration

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