VA Disability and SSDI Benefits Explained
This post on http://www.dcmilitary.com explains the differences between Veterans Administration (VA) disability and Social Security;s Disability Income benefits (SSDI), and outlines circumstances under which dual eligibility might occur. The post also covers the steps for applying for benefits, as well as the…
The Importance of Understanding SSDI Eligibility
Tyler Smith, in a post on the American Economic Association’s website, recaps an article from the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, asserting that communications from federal agencies regarding individual eligibility for programs like Social Security Disability Income may not be adequately attracting…
Working While Disabled — Social Security Can Help
(Source: Social Security Administration) While it may be best known for retirement, Social Security is also here to help you get back to work if you are disabled. For millions of people, work isn’t just a source of income, it’s…